We all together share condolence and heartfelt gratitude to Somdech!
We will inscribe the benevolent attribute of Somdech in our heart forever!
We will remember the teachings of middle path and step by step of Somdech
We will practice the teachings of middle path of Somdech until we reach
Though Somdech passed away physically, but the teachings and good sample
of Somdech still in front of us and in our sight days and nights, in
moment of our breathing!
Important Teachings of Somdech
"Our journey for peace begins today and every day.
Each step is a prayer,each step is a meditation, each step will build
a bridge."
The suffering of Cambodia has been deep.
From this suffering comes great Compassion.
Great Compassion makes a Peaceful Heart.
A peaceful Heart makes a Peaceful Person.
A Peaceful Person makes a Peaceful Community.
A Peaceful Community makes a Peaceful Nation.
And a Peaceful Nation makes a Peaceful World.
May all beings live in Happiness and Peace.
Our Suggestions:
To honor Somdech's virtue during his lifetime, the Somdech body should
be kept as long as possible.
The King of Cambodia should host the commemorating ceremony or remembrance
The Cambodian government should host the commemorate ceremony for Somdech.
The Cambodian Sangha Order should take one day to commemorate and pay
respect (Vatta Pathipatta) in every temple throughout the country.
The Cambodian communities and associations throughout the world should
host the commemorating ceremony accordingly.
The body of Somdech should be delivered to Cambodia as Somdech always
wanted to pass away there.
The government should sponsor to build a public stupa to deposit Somdech's
body or remains for public common good and worship.
Somdech's step by step book should be reprinted and redistributed again
as much as possible.
Somdech's name should be inscribed in national's book as the hero of
Cambodia in struggling with violence, discrimination, suffering and
ignorance of the twentieth first century.